Thursday, December 3, 2009

I would like to go to a division 1 college to play basketball, how do i get there?

I am a freshman, and I am 6 foot 4 inches tall, I play center right now. I want to get a scholarship to a D-1collegeto play basketball, then hopefully eventually become a professional. Some people don't believe in me or my dream but i'm willing to work at it 110%. So my question is what can i do to get better, and is it possible to be a 6 foot 4 inch center [if i dont' grow anymore] and get a scholarship. I see my only way as getting into acollegeas becoming a foward. What should i do??

I would like to go to a division 1collegeto play basketball, how do i get there?

You realize how hard it is to go D-1?

- What good is you're still a probably won't grow much more so you gotta give up the post moves and work on ballhandling and perimeter shooting. A 6'4" frame is perfect for a shooting guard. You must shoot at least 300 jumpshots a day...I'm not kidding!!! YOU MUST!!

- You MUST play hoop year round...not just winter. Sign up for AAU ball in the spring. You play many tournaments and it's great experience. After AAU go to summer camps and clinics. Work on your ballhandling and perimeter shooting.

In fall before winter hoop starts there are fall leagues...join them and play.

- As a freshman, you're ready to hitthe weights. Lift with your school BB team or your school football team. I guarantee the footabll coach won't mind. Plus you need the supervised training. Lift weight 3 times a week.

-Conditioning- RUN!!! Jog 3 to 4 miles, 3 to 4 times a week.

This training is good for duration. You also need to be quick so jumprope everyday and run sprints. Search internet for Plyometrics...this is specific training for quickness. You need

quickness, not height, in the game of basketball these days.

-Eat right...maintain healthy lifestyle....get your not stay up late watching movies, playing video games, internet..etc.

Hang with positive people....people that will help you in your goal. People that believe in your dream. Avoid friends who do drugs or drink alcohol. Don't burn yourself out with hoop.

Take time off from training to relax and do other things that make you happy!!

Good Luck

Coach A

I would like to go to a division 1collegeto play basketball, how do i get there?baseball ,nba teams

Live in the weight room! Get faster and stronger. Play against better and taller players.
well it would help if you played on a well known team so you get more exposure and so that more scouts come to see you. but if not, then you better work hard and put up some great #s, but if no scouts visit you, make a highlight tape of yourself and send it to the schools you want to go to and hope they give you a call or something.
Hey, good question. I think it'll be hard for you to be a center incollegebut you might make a very tough forward. I'd suggest finding your knack and try to perfect it. If you are a great defender then keep getting better at defense. This is not to say that you shouldn't work on your overall game but it's good to have an identity. Also, talk to your coach about how you can start inserting a perimeter game to your skill set. Since you play center for your school I'm assuming your a great or decent help side defender. (This is an awesome quality for a guard/forward) Also, remember bruce bowen played center throughout high school andcollegeand look at him. In closing, don't necassarioly focus on going to a D1 school, take the bext opportunity given to you and work hard. Sometimes you have to take the road less traveled to get where you want to be. I.E - Division II or III . Keep working hard at your overall game and watch basketball...listen to what some of the commentators have to say about different players. Good Luck!!!
If you don't grow anymore you will be a guard. But I would think you'll at least get another inch or 2 if you're only 14/15. Basically I would suggest working on your ball handling skills and jump shots more so than posting up and down low moves. But you could keep growing a lot so you never know. Some guys get drafted into the nba at age 18/19 and are STILL growing ha ha.

Just do your best.
Take the Taxi, it's cheaper.

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